Our Monarch butterfly eclosed today! (the time lapse video will be up on our Facebook/Instagram) #terranovamn #monarcheclose
about 1 year ago, Terra Nova
Monarch chrysalis
Monarch emerged
Monarch Wing drying
We checked in our Monarch chrysalis this morning and it has darkened more overnight! We are hoping to capture a timelapse of its eclosing. Journey North explains this process of an insect completing metamorphosis as "[m]ost people know that a bird hatches from its egg. When a monarch comes out of its chrysalis the process is called “eclosing.” Check out - https://monarchjointventure.org/monarch-biology/life-cycle or visit https://journeynorth.org/tm/monarch/ChrysalisEcloseHatch.html for more cool information about Monarch butterflies! #terranovaMN #monarchbutterflies #monarchjointventure #communityscience
about 1 year ago, Terra Nova
Phone recording chrysalis
Students working on our pollinator garden project found a special pollinator in a really neat lifecycle stage in one of our garden restoration locations today! #projectbasedlearning #monarchchrysalis #experientiallearning #terranovamn #terranovacommunity #monarchjointventure
about 1 year ago, Terra Nova
pollinator protectors
chrysalis and granite
chrysalis circled
Terra Nova Community Projects progress today = Amazing! #terranovaschool #terranovacommunity #experientiallearning
about 1 year ago, Terra Nova
Community painting project
Garden renovation community project
Community projects kicked off this week. We're excited to have hands-on, life skill building opportunities on our own campus. Trail building and clean up, pollinator garden planning, furniture assembly and construction, and so much more! Check back to see the before and after of these community projects.#terranovamn #terranovacommunity #projectbasedlearning #experientiallearning
about 1 year ago, Terra Nova
Before photo of a Terra Nova trail.
Another great day on our new campus! Plus, with today being "National Positivity Day", we're focusing on the highs when digitally disconnected. The weather was beautiful and our community thrived! Thanks to all students and staff for another great day at Terra Nova! #terranovamn #outoftheclassroomintotheworld
about 1 year ago, Terra Nova
2 students drawing outside
volleyball on the field
Gaga pit building
A sweet first day with all of our students! We're excited to see what this year brings to our community and beyond. And a big thank you to Amanda and Jen our School Counselors for a sweet treat on our first day. #terranovamn #cupcakeday
about 1 year ago, Terra Nova
Students picnic and cupcakes
Staff, cupcakes and picnic
students smiling picnic
cupcakes and students
With a modified verse from Aerosmith...WE'RE BACK IN THE SADDLE AGAIN! Our first day with new students and mentors was amazing! We're excited to have ALL students at our new campus in Buffalo tomorrow! #terranovamn #outoftheclassroomintotheworld #terranovacommunity
about 1 year ago, Terra Nova
First day lunch
First day team building field
First day team building
Day 1 Countdown - We're so close! Technically it's less than 12 hours to go until our first day of the 2023-2024 school year! Terra Nova is ready for our new students to join us at our new Buffalo location! Then on Tuesday, we'll have ALL students. Whoo hoo! #terranovamn #innovationeducation #projectbasedlearning #outoftheclassroomintotheworld
about 1 year ago, Terra Nova
Back to school view
1 day till school
Day 2 Countdown - Owl, Heron, Refuge, Loon, Hive, Den, Rookery, Lodge, etc. What do all of these things have in common? They are new room names in our new building! Look for these signs and more room names next week. #terranovamn
about 1 year ago, Terra Nova
2 days till school
Loon room
Owl room
Day 3 Countdown - We have the lumber for Gaga ball! #terranovamn #gagaball #outoftheclassroomintotheworld
about 1 year ago, Terra Nova
Owl and gaga ball
School in 3 days
Day 3 Countdown - It's coming together! Parking lot signs are assembled and ready! #terranovamn #innovation #outoftheclassroomintotheworld
about 1 year ago, Terra Nova
Student and staff parking signs
3 days till school starts
Day 4 Countdown - What is that...a blue lawn?! With all of the renovation changes, there is something new each day. Can you guess what is happening here? #terranovamn #constructionaftermath #4daystillschool
about 1 year ago, Terra Nova
Lawn with blue 3
Owl what lawn
Lawn with blue 2
Lawn with blue 1
4 Days till School Starts
Day 5 Countdown - BenQ Ben whoo? Our Tech Team is installing some really awesome interactive BenQ display boards in several of our spaces throughout the new building! Start thinking of a project that you can use a BenQ. #BenQ #TerraNovaMN #innovationeducation https://www.benq.com/en-us/education/benq-board-interactive-displays.html
about 1 year ago, Terra Nova
Owl and BenQ Board
school starts 5 days
BenQ Board 1
Day 6 Countdown - MOVING DAY The boxes are packed and the movers are here! #terranovamn #movingday
about 1 year ago, Terra Nova
Moving truck and owl
day 6 school starts
moving truck
Day 7 Countdown We are extremely THANKFUL for EVERYONE who has been putting in hard work on the building and those thank yous extend to our students, staff, and families! Speaking of staff and students, we have another new staff feature to share and this person has a special connection to Terra Nova (formerly known as Jane Goodall Environmental Sciences Academy/JGESA). Terra Nova - Meet New Staff Feature | Krissen Marttinen Position: Education Support Staff Krissen’s favorite hobby that she's excited about sharing with our community: “One of my favorite hobbies is creating art, so I'm excited to help students get creative and to see what they come up with!” Krissen is looking forward to, “The new building and land being ours, and with that being able to leave our mark.” Krissen also wants to share, “I graduated high school from JGESA, and am ecstatic that I get to continue to contribute to this wonderful community!” Say hi to Krissen when you see her around campus and welcome her to her new role in our Terra Nova Community!
about 1 year ago, Terra Nova
Krissen railing
Thank you day 7
Day 7 - Gratitude We want to give a HUGE THANK YOU and SHOUT OUT to all of the wonderful folks who have been working hard on our new location. There are several local partners we are lucky to be connected with getting our school Out of the Classroom, Into the World! #laborday2023 #terranovamn #thankful #outoftheclassroomintotheworld
about 1 year ago, Terra Nova
thank you for your hardwork
Construction on the phone
DPG trailer in front
AEM van
Advantage coating trailer
Construction in lower room
Painting on a lift
Excavator and 2 construction
Construction in hole
Excavator and operator
Day 8 Countdown Terra Nova - Meet New Staff Feature | Drew Mossman Position: Advisor Drew’s favorite hobby that he's excited about sharing with our community: “3D printing, functional and decorative crafts and refurbishing items to give them a new life.” Drew is looking forward to, “Working with staff, students, parents, and community members to create and grow our new land and building to represent and support all things Terra Nova.” Say hi to Drew when you see him around campus and welcome him to our Terra Nova Community!
about 1 year ago, Terra Nova
Drew outside CC
Day 8 countdown
Day 8 Countdown Terra Nova - Meet New Staff Feature | Emily Burrell Position: Administrative Assistant (front office) Emily’s favorite hobby that she's excited about sharing with our community: “Anything outside in nature” Emily is looking forward to, “Meeting all the students and having a really fun year together!” Emily also wants to share, “I have been involved in some sort of environmental club/organization since I was 18 making sure we save the trees, the bees, and the seas :)” Say hi to Emily when you see her around campus and welcome her to our Terra Nova Community!
about 1 year ago, Terra Nova
Emily B railing
School starts in 8 days
Day 9 Countdown Terra Nova - Meet New Staff Feature | Alex B. Position: Education Support Staff and Substitute Advisor Alex’s favorite hobby that he's excited about sharing with our community: “A hobby that I have picked up in the past two years is flint knapping. If I had the opportunity, I think it would be exciting to take that hobby and turn it into a project to teach students about early paleolithic society and hunting.” Alex is looking forward to, “Joining the Terra Nova community, building many new relationships, and helping students grow towards their full potential.” Fun fact: Alex is slower than a bear. Say hi to Alex when you see him around campus and welcome him to our Terra Nova Community!
about 1 year ago, Terra Nova
Alex Outside
Day 9 Countdown